Wednesday, January 9, 2008

A World in the Making!

A world to Come!

So many possible outcomes, yet no matter the outcome one thing is for certain, there is a shift, it is indisputable and no one can do anything about it. The winds of change are blowing, only God knows the outcome.

Reality Check
The prediction for a win in New Hampshire for Senator Obama was dead on, except the report on Obama family put a damper on the voter’s enthusiasm.

The whole country is trying to figure out how things can turn so quickly against Obama.
The reason is simple; all you have to do is put the lines side by side and sort out the differences. CNN did that well when they aired a special on Obama family in Kenya. The lines coming out of these images depict poverty, stagnation and all the resulted effects of Negation. You may ask yourself, is Obama a champion for those who are victims of Negation, those that are left behind or a unitor; someone who can bridge the gap and help us overcome the disparities that separate us? One thing is for certain is that we are at a cross road where two opposing forces will intersect each other, the forces that drive humanity forward and the forces that restrained humanity backward; someone needs to facilitate that shift. Obama embodied that spirit, rather he becomes president or not, he will help reconcile the opposing forces that drive us apart. He will take us beyond the adversarial system that is driving this world.

As for us, we can never know for sure the outcome, except in retrospect, recollecting the events that just passed. God made sure that it is that way for us. “Had they known , they would not have crucified Jesus”. God only knows why He raised a voice like Obama to point us toward change.
A Better World

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