Thursday, April 10, 2008

Get off My Tail; Here Are Some Tales

You must hear this!

I had recently a conversation with an intellectual, university educated voodoo priest from Haiti. We were discussing religion and the human condition in Haiti. I asked him what he think was responsible for the state of poverty Haiti. He told me that he was about to fix that. He had an organization on the way addressing this issue. Haiti must go back to its ancestral religion he said and that Christianity is responsible for the economic depravity that exists in Haiti. Christianity is a foreign element introduced by the Whiteman to rob black Haitians of their inherited power. He said that Haiti was a prosperous nation until Haitians were forced to give up their religion. He said that there were several campaigns mounted by former leaders, in the 1920, 30s and 40s forcing Haitians to give up their religion. I let him talk to his heart content. I realize his frustration, like most of us we
feel helpless in the face of insurmountable task.

I told him that Christianity is not an imposition, it is not something that is imposed from outside to us; it is what we are all becoming. as we develop the human qualities such as love, tolerance and compassion for our fellow human beings; as we express these qualities we are becoming closer to what God intended for us to be. In doing so, we begin to realize these qualities in the teachings of Jesus Christ are our source of strength. Christ is humanity redeemed, human beings becoming closer to the image of God. I said to him; trust me my friend, the blessing of God, the power to succeed in anything in life, the ability to proper and excel in life will come through Christ. As we getting closer to the image of what God intended for us to be, He has no other alternative but to bless us. Jesus Christ asked a jew this question: “are ye Abraham descendant?” if ye be Abraham descendant, etc. God is able to raise Abraham descendants out of the history of Abraham”. Which means that you don’t have to be a Jew, born in Israel or Palestine to receive the blessing of God; God said through Abraham and his seed, He will bless all of the family of the earth... he said to Abraham: “I am your shield and your exceedingly great reward”. Why is that about Abraham you may ask? Why God showed him favor?
Jesus said this: “Because Abraham obeyed the law of God, the statutes and the commandments of God, God accounted him righteous”. God blessed him exceedingly because he knows right from wrong, how to treat others as he want them to treat him, he knows and acknowledges God as the source of unfailing, invisible supply. He gave no credence to man or any other power, except God. This is the fatal flaw that maintains poverty in Haiti. Even though all voodoo priests acknowledge God as the source of all powers and to Him they ask permission before carry out their activities, but never once educate their subjects to seek the source themselves, or even point them toward the source. While they themselves ask permission from the source to operate, they never once lead their subjects to the source. As a consequence, there is always a third party mediating, standing between the source and them. See what they have as a result; Third world reality; taking guidance and direction from failed spirits; spirits that may not even graduated out of their class or who may have been permanently banned to reach higher levels of awareness.

I was disappointed because I saw the zeal and the enthusiasm displayed by the voodoo priest. He is wrong and will lead his people away from their blessing. I told him that you don’t have to be labeled a Christian if you don’t want to, just become one. These principles you found in the teachings of Jesus Christ are universal principles if we not learn them willingly, we will learn them forcefully on the battle fields of the world.

Robert noel

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