Thursday, July 31, 2008

This System of Things

This is what Jesus called it, the name seem a propos. Because it is a system of operandus, it is mechanical. It has an aim, an objective. It is designed to make us consume the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil. We are subconsciously and unknowingly consuming the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil. The kingdom of darkness, rightly named so, is subconscious; because it operates below our conscious mind, it is designed to make us perpetually consuming the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil.
Jesus Himself said it plainly. “Except a man denies himself; he cannot fallow Me". Jesus is the alternative to the kingdom of darkness; He represents the kingdom of God. What He is saying in effect is that we must deny the process by which we arrive at our self identity. We assume our identity as a separate entity by consuming the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil. Unless we deny that process, we can never be part of the other kingdom. To fallow Jesus and become part of the kingdom of God, we must deny the self. The process by which we arrive at our self identity is for us to consume the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil. Eating the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil is us assuming our self identity, separating ourselves from our fellow human beings, and ultimately from God.
Except a man takes up his cross he cannot fallow Me”: this is the antidote to the kingdom of darkness, the antidote that will keep us from consuming the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil. Eating the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil gives us our self identity, our self awareness, our spirit of separation. Except a man takes up his cross means that we must embrace our humanity, our oneness, the short comings, the weaknesses of our fellow human beings, all of the flaws that come with being human. Just like a child, we accept with all weaknesses, vulnerabilities, etc... Only as a child can we enter the kingdom of God, with no consciousness of self.

We must undo the works of darkness; we must deny the very thing that sustains the kingdom of darkness. We must give up our self identity and embrace our humanity.
Let him deny himself and take up his cross”. This is the antidote against the kingdom of darkness. “Except a man is born of water and spirit, he cannot see the kingdom of heaven”. Born of water means renunciation, let go of our self identity, give up the self, deny the process by which we arrive at our self identity. only then can we be begotten by the spirit of God. We must make the transition, that is we must give up the spirit of separation and embrace the spirit of oneness. “I pray Father that they are one as you and I are one”.
There will never true races relation until this system of things is no more. We know why He came; to destroy the kingdom of darkness. Every little bit of progress made is a victory against the kingdom of darkness. Apartheid in South Africa, James Crow law in America, are steps toward making the enemy of humanity our foot stool. I am seating with Christ waiting on God to fulfill His promise. “Now is the ruler of this world cast out, the darkness of this world cast out”.
Looking at this system of things, it is complex, elaborate, fleeting, cunning, elusive, only God can stand against it. We must align ourselves with God to expedite the process, and shorten the time.

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