Friday, October 24, 2008

The Measure of Faith

She had the measure of faith necessary to transcend her limitations and had her needs met. Despites been looked down upon as dog; with no standing in the world; she was able to transcend her limitation with her faith. She had the measure of faith. Do you want to change the human condition in your country and in your world? Are you affected by Negation? Is the world put you in a corner and you see no way out? Do you want to change the lines that depict your existence? Here is how?
You need the measure of faith. What do I mean by the measure of faith? Is it the amount of faith you need or the substance of your faith? Faith is defined as the substance of things hope for. True to that but what you need to know is what substance is your faith made up; in what do you have faith in. You need faith in the substance of God, in the power of God. The measure of faith is the (standard) amount of faith required in Christ to tap in the power of God. Faith is the demarcation line separating the haves and the have nots, separating what you don’t have and what you want.

Here is the measure of faith
Christ is the end of the law and the end of our limitations. Christ is the power of God for our salvation. The moment we believe that with conviction we have the measure of faith necessary to tap in the power of God.
Jesus asked his disciples a rhetorical question: “What is eternal life?” and He answered his own question this way: “Eternal life is to believe that Jehovah God is the only true God and the one He sent, Jesus Christ”. That is the measure of faith. That is what requirerd. Hence you believe that, you can tap in the spiritual world, the eternal. Everyone who believes in Christ starts with that measure of faith; with the same amount of faith. This amount of faith is all that you need to access heaven, to bring the kingdom of God to the earth; that is the measure of faith she needed. The Canaanite woman was able to access the power of God to meet her need by her faith. All she needed was her belief in Jesus that He is the Christ, the savior. Savior means that she believed that Jesus embodied the power of God in Him to meet her need. Her faith gave her access to that power. Jesus was a Jew; as a man He was conforming to the demands of the law. It was forbidden for Jews to deal with Canaanites, but her faith forced Him to transcend the law and fulfill her needs. Whatever your race, your denomination, your limitations in life, hence you tap in the spirit world; you are free of your limitations. Your faith in God and in Jesus Christ gives you access to heaven, the eternal. Yes her ancestral ties placed limits on her, her race was a barrier keeping her from accessing her possibilities on earth, but her faith helped her transcend her limitations. That measure of faith is what gave her access to the spirit, to the eternal, to the eternal life that Jesus was talking about. He went on to describe further what faith is, that measure of your belief, that conviction that you must have. He said that faith is like that of a mustard seed which is the least among the trees, but grows on to become the largest of the trees. You start with that small amount of belief; the only requirement that you need to access heaven. You start with the belief that Jehovah God is the only true God and Jesus Christ is the one He sent to reveal His power. That is your conviction, your belief. “A man has to believe” without this conviction you cannot access the power of God.
What is the implication to all of that; how can your faith help you transcend your limitations in this world. “A man is a spirit being clothed in flesh” this statement is true, I can demonstrate the truth in it to you. The Canaanite woman was clothed with the body that she was born in. she was born in Canaan . According to the bible that race is traceable to an incident in the Old Testament involving Noah and his sons. Noah was drunk and when he awoke knowing what his son Ham had done to him, he said: Cursed be Canaan
It was forbidden for Jews to have anything to do with Canaanites. Jesus been a Jews had to conform to the law at that time. When He was talking to the woman, He was addressing her as a Jew not as the Messiah. The friction that existed between Jews and Canaanites at that time was very apparent in the conversation between Jesus and that woman. She was able to won Him over with her faith despites all, taken him past the flesh and addressed His spirit. She believed in Him despites all He said to her to remind her of her limitations, her fleshly statutes. The Canaanites were considered as dogs at that time. Jesus was trying to remind her that Jews did not have anything to do with Canaanites; but her faith won Him over. Your faith in the power of God, your faith in Christ is all you need to transcend your limitations.

{ You who is lagging behind, cut off and cut out of the possibilities of this world, unable to attain success despites all of your efforts, for whatever reason the devil uses to negate you, rather it is because of your race, religion, gender or geographical origin, you can call on the power of God for your salvation. Out of the mouth confession is made into salvation. If you believe that Jehovah God is the only true God and Jesus is His envoy and embodied His power for your salvation, confess it with your mouth, you shall call on that power to free you from the grips of Negation and it shall be done. You can tap in the spiritual world with your faith. You can tap in the power of God for your salvation. Only God can free you from the division brought by the forces for Negation; if you can have that measure of faith necessary to tap in that power, you can transcend all the limitations that the world put on you. }

You can really be in the world and not of it. That measure of faith is the belief that Jesus is the Christ, the power of God for our salvation. Someone said that: “having to believe is a cinch” a man has to believe in his knower, he must know that he knows that Jesus is the Christ, the power of God for his salvation. “Jesus said to Peter upon this revelation that I am the Christ, knowing this truth, whatever you bind in heaven will be bound on earth and whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven”. All of this means that you can bridge heaven and earth together with your belief; you now can bring heaven in the play in your life.
As a body you have the limitation of the body, but as a spirit you have no limitation. If you identify yourself with the body, you will have the limitations of the body. You will be forced to conform to the laws that regulate the body.

[Obama as a president embodies the spirit of reconciliation. He is equally white as he is equally black. He is not affected by the pull of Negation or the privilege of Attainment. Why hasn’t his white side been a problem? Well we know why; it is Negation that is a problem. In this world, whites are affirmed and blacks are negated. He is able to transcend the struggle that exists between blacks and whites because he embodies the spirit of reconciliation. If you can assume your right identity, you too can transcend the struggle that exists between blacks and whites. See right identity:]

Her faith gave her access to that power.
The woman with the issue of blood is a perfect example of the power of God embodied in Jesus, she was able to tap in that power of God without Jesus foreknowledge of it; He did not realize that she had tap into Him until the power was released from Him. Her faith gave her access to that power. That is the measure of faith that she needed to access that power. That is the measure of faith we all need; everyone who tap in to the spiritual world start with that measure of faith. “A man has to believe”. She believed that if she could touch His garment, she will be healed. That belief, that conviction was all she needed to access the spiritual reality she could not see. “Faith therefore is the substance of thing hope fore and the evidence of things unseen”. the evidence of things unseen

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